11 main things to take on a cruise

Every time, sitting on our suitcases before going on vacation, we are overtaken by a panic thought:

11 main things to take on a cruise

And it seems like everything is packed, checked, repacked and checked again, but no – something will be forgotten. It’s not a big deal if it’s some little thing, like a toothbrush or hairspray (you can always buy more on vacation). It’s much worse to discover upon arrival that more important things are left at home. In principle, almost all problems of this kind can be solved: you can do without something and buy something else. But there are a number of things that it is better not to forget at home when going on a cruise. So, meet: the basic must-have contents of your suitcase.

1. Change money
Someone may judge us for such obvious advice and will be wrong. It is clear that after documents and tickets, money is the third most important element, but now we are not just talking about a card account or currency, but about change money. As a rule, before each vacation, every tourist goes to the bank and buys euros or dollars. But not everyone will bother to exchange hundreds and fifty dollars for small denomination bills (1 or 5 USD), although it would be worth it. The change is useful on a cruise for tips, buying souvenirs at the port or for paying for lunch in a city cafe, but running around the market with a hundred euros asking to change it is not a good idea, and besides, you can run into counterfeits.

2. Correct medicines
You shouldn’t take half the pharmacy with you on a cruise. First of all, take those that are not available without a prescription (for example, antibiotics) and that are prescribed to you (if you have a chronic disease). The second most important are remedies for motion sickness (Dramina or the like), analgesics and antipyretics, something for indigestion (Smecta, Enterofuril). Be sure to put Regidron in your first aid kit: on a cruise there is a risk of experiencing dehydration (due to seasickness, heat stroke or rotavirus), and this drug restores water and electrolyte balance. Well, where would you be without iodine, a patch and a bandage (especially if you are taking new shoes with you or going on extreme excursions.

3. Adapters for sockets and splitters
Sockets on a cruise ship, depending on the company, will be American or Euro format. Therefore, to ensure that your equipment is not left without recharging, take a couple of adapters with you. Also, there may be only one socket in the cabin, which will not be enough for all your gadgets, so a tee will not hurt.

4. Spare charger for phone/tablet and flash drive
They tend to get lost or break, and a spare one would be a good idea. If you like to surf the Internet, take a portable power bank with you. If you take a lot of photographs, take a couple of spare cards in case the memory of the old one becomes full.

5. Protective creams
If you are going on a cruise to sunny countries, do not forget not only sunscreen, but also anti-burn cream or spray. When traveling in the tropics, you will also need insect repellents, as well as remedies for their bites.

6. Clothing products
You can iron a wrinkled shirt or blouse on a cruise only in the laundry room (for a fee, of course), and you won’t be allowed to bring an iron on board, even if you take it with you. “Liquid iron” can come to the rescue – a special anti-crease spray.

7. Ginger
No, we’re not joking. Dried ginger is an old remedy for seasickness, known to medieval pirates. You may not need to swallow pills, which have side effects: try putting a slice of ginger in your mouth first.

8. Empty Bags
Take a couple of collapsible zippered travel bags on your cruise. They will be useful to you if you love shopping: your purchases may not fit into your suitcase (or there will be a big overweight). It is also convenient to go on excursions with them, putting food for the trip and a change of clothes there.

9. Earplugs
If you are a light sleeper, they will help you out a lot. There are many sources of noise on a cruise ship: discos, casinos, various shows, ship engines, noisy neighbors, finally. If you don’t want to wake up at 7 am from the sound of a vacuum cleaner in the hallway, earplugs are a definite must-have.

Of course, this is not a complete list of what you can take with you on a cruise. When packing for a cruise, start with what you can’t do without first. And put everything else according to the residual principle.

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